Chris Hughes, co-founder of Facebook, draws attention with his article claiming to dismantle the massive Facebook.
He is the founder of Facebook together with Mark Zuckerberg in a dormitory at Harvard University. After leaving the company in 2007 and liquidating its stake in 2012, it is far from Facebook. In this contribution, he criticized Zuckerberg as a kind person but at the expense of security and courtesy, with the emphasis on growing the company. The organization that monitors over two billion Sarah ‘s conversations, even the ability to censor, is that there is no precedent.
Facebook also pointed out that Zuckerberg’s personal dominance is excessive. Since only one person controls 60% of voting stocks, the board of directors is closer to an advisory committee that makes reference comments rather than directors.
Hughes is said to have left Facebook for President Barack Obama ‘s election. Because of this experience, Hughes refuted that the early Facebook team that he was involved with did not think deeply about how the newsfeed algorithm could change American culture, influence the election, and empower its leaders. He also said that Mark Zuckerberg is worried that he is surrounded by a team that wants to strengthen Facebook rather than challenge his beliefs.
He said he is willing to accept regulations, including four Internet regulation-related ideas. But from Hughes’ point of view it is also said to prevent antitrust. He also argued that the government should intervene in two ways. One is to cancel the acquisition of Instagram and Watts App and divide it into other companies. This will lead to genuine competition around social media and digital messaging.
He is simply insufficient to dissolve Facebook, and to regulate high technology companies, Congress needs a new government empowered, and his first mission is to protect privacy. Hughes insisted on the Facebook demolition that Facebook had officially mentioned the integration of Messenger, Instagram, and Watts app messaging services. Hughes says that time is important because Facebook is difficult to split if it integrates all of them.
Facebook acknowledged that it should be accountable for success, but issued a statement stating that successful US companies can not demand dissolution and enforce liability. For more information, please click here .