Huatie HengAn, a Chinese cryptographic mining company, has sold over 90% of its corporate value over the past year. The company was originally listed on the Chinese stock market as a construction company.
The sale price of Huatian Hung is 12 million Yuan (2 billion won). A year ago, it was valued at about 170 million yuan. The company has purchased 36,500 diggers since 2018. However, as the currency market was stagnant, the mining companies were also struggling. BitMain also faced difficulties such as class action lawsuits, Israeli development center and Texas business shrinking, and the Dutch office shutting down.
This is the first time that a Chinese listed company has been found to have been digging passwords. The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) The NDRC has issued a draft revision of the industry list that the authorities want to restrict or prohibit, including more than 450 listings, including bit coins and cryptography.
However, the NDRC has made such a proposal in 2011, but has not yet implemented it. It may take a few years to realize that it will not affect Chinese cryptographic mining companies at the moment. For more information, please click here .