
ESA launches commercial space transportation business

European Space Agency ESA launches commercial space transportation service, support program C-STS and paid space transportation through private enterprise. The program will be announced at the ESA meeting Space 19+, which will take place in November.

C-STS is aimed at European companies that want space transportation and satellite services. ESA will find facilities, funding and investments, and provide space venture support through the ESA Business Incubation Centers. ESA expects the program to finance private investment and introduce commercially viable services. The first target will be a micro-launcher, a mini-satellite launch system, and its own spacecraft.

C-STS will also be selected for support if it wants to build a space station somewhere in European countries. The UK is already working on plans to build several space stations in Scotland, Konwil and Wales.

In 2018, ESA recruited ideas for new space transportation services from the private sector and 79 applications were submitted. Of these, 41 were ideas with prospects. In addition, three concepts such as a space tug, a space debris removal satellite, and a small satellite launcher that pulls a satellite by using an electric propulsion force were selected as a space proposal. For more information, please click here .