Euro NCAP, which conducts vehicle safety tests sold in Europe, conducted a crash test on Tesla Model 3. In addition to violent collisions, tests were conducted in which a ball that mimics a person’s head collides with the windshield, and tests that assume that the lower body of a pedestrian collides. In the video, whenever the vehicle body collides, the airbag inflates from the steering wheel or side and the dummy doll shakes. In addition, it checks whether it stops well when running at a speed of 50 km/h, stopping immediately before stopping, crashing, or rushing at a driving vehicle at 75 km/h, or when a child pops out at 30 km/h.
For this test, the foreign press heard that the reason the Model 3 is safe is that it can provide more support to increase safety because there is no front engine. In fact, Euro NCAP gave a five-star rating. The collision safety itself was found to be quite high. Related information can be found here .