
AI that can collaborate with humans with Minecraft…

Minecraft exceeded 176 million cumulative sales worldwide, making it the world’s best-selling game. However, the Facebook AI research team has announced a platform called CraftAssist to implement artificial intelligence support that enables collaboration with human players in Minecraft. Craft assist AI bots can place or destroy blocks, communicate with human players in a text-based chat, and perform complex tasks such as architecture by combining language, perception, memory, and physical actions within the game.

CraftAssist is a platform for implementing AI bots that can collaborate with human players in Minecraft. It is expected that more than just supporting AI bots will be realized if the scope of collaboration with humans capable of AI bots is expanded through the development of Craft Assist.

The Facebook AI research team has also open sourced the framework and released it on GitHub to encourage the use of CraftAssist. Some of the public data includes step-by-step data about human players and semantic segmentation data when building houses in Minecraft, as well as a set of semantic analysis dates for large natural languages.

CraftAssist allows human players to interact with AI bots through a standard Minecraft client. Of course, it is also possible to interact with other players. Using Cuberite, an open source and scalable Minecraft-compatible game server, researchers can record game sessions to generate AI learning data. In addition, the basic AI bot included in Craft Assist is said to have been trained with data communicated with humans and data created by human participants on more than 2,500 different structures in Minecraft.

According to Facebook, the basic AI bot design is modular, and it is possible to use AI bots for experiments or to conduct AI research on one of the elements of language, perception, memory, and physical behavior, which are input information to the bot. For example, if a human player tells a CraftAssist basic AI bot that he wants to build a house next to a blue cube, the language understanding module will create a program based on the input in the chat and perform the requested action, such as moving or building a building, to a designated target to a high level. Realize. The memory unit recognizes blue, cube, etc. in the text, recognizes the tag object existing on the field, and performs movement based on the blue cubic coordinates.

Facebook says that using CraftAssist to develop AI bots that can collaborate on Minecraft, in the long run, such work will lead to a broader response to AI support. It means that the purpose is to be able to respond flexibly to various fields.

Machine learning is difficult. It has excellent effect on strictly defined tasks, but it is still difficult to perform tasks as tasks can be vaguely assigned when using language to perform tasks specified by humans. CraftAssist is expected to be more effective in the long run than machine learning in that it is a platform for developing AI that can accurately recognize and execute these ambiguous tasks designated by humans. Of course, Facebook’s CraftAssist isn’t the first to attempt to develop AI with Minecraft. Microsoft, which acquired Mojang, the owner of Minecraft, also announced Project Malmo. Related information can be found here .