
Samsung eUFS 3.1 chip “100GB is enough in 1.5 minutes”

Samsung Electronics announced on March 17 that it will begin mass production of 512GB eUFS 3.1 standard storage chips for high-end smartphones. Compared to the existing 512GB eUFS 3.0, the write speed is 3 times.

The sequential read of the new chip is 2.1GB/sec, similar to eUFS 3.0, but the write is 1.2GB/sec, exceeding 1GB/sec. Input/Output Per Second (IOPS), which represents the number of I/O accesses per second, which is one of the storage performance indicators, is also 100,000 IOPS and 70,000 IOPS for random read and write, respectively.

This is more than twice the speed of 540MB/sec SATA-based PC. At this speed, you can store 8K videos that will increase in the future without buffering. Also, 100GB data can be transferred in 1.5 minutes. If it is based on existing eUFS 3.0, it takes more than 4 minutes.

In addition to 512GB, 256GB and 128GB are also introduced. Most smartphones equipped with 512GB are the top models, but if eUFS 3.1 is adopted for 128GB in the future, lower models can also benefit from storage speed improvement. Related information can be found here .