
The nurse’s hard work now… Robot to help hospital chores

Moxi is a one-armed robot introduced by the AI startup, Diligent, started by two women. This robot does not directly participate in medical care, but can collect, collect, and deliver medical instruments, samples, and dishcloths. To help humans focus on more important things.

There is also an advantage that the risk of secondary infection can be reduced by avoiding the need for doctors and nurses to do chores, and by touching objects that the infected person touched. You can also communicate with people a little bit, such as waving your hand or making your eyes a heart.

According to the agency, the nurse turnover rate is 16.8%, and the rate of newly hired nurses leaving within one year is 23.8%. There are also statistics that 30% of working hours are spent on useless chores. Moshi’s purpose is to help nurses suffering from such heavy work. It is intended to allow the nurse to concentrate on the original job.

Deligent has received more than 10 billion won in investment from several companies by conducting a Series A investment round from Venture Capital. At the beginning of this year, it was introduced to the Dallas Medical City Healthcare Hospital in the United States and started working. Related information can be found here .