On April 20 (local time), Microsoft reportedly developed the CoVIg-19 Plasma Bot, a chatbot that determines whether plasma can be provided to people recovering from Corona 19 infection.
Plasma of a person recovering from a disease contains immune antibodies against viruses or bacteria, and treatments made from plasma are administered to patients to strengthen immunity and encourage recovery from disease. Therefore, studies on whether recovery plasma is effective for Corona 19 are being conducted in countries around the world.
Because a lot of plasma is needed for research, there is an activity in the United States that requires the provision of COVID-19 recovery plasma called the CoVIg-19 Plasma Alliance, which is also supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. However, unless the doctor acknowledges that he has fully recovered and meets all the conditions for providing plasma, he cannot ask for plasma, and verification is an obstacle. Accordingly, Microsoft developed a chatbot to help check whether plasma is available. Users are asked a number of questions to determine whether they are suitable for plasma delivery and are only referred to specialized institutions if the conditions are met.
Of course, there is a simple test tool to check whether it is suitable for plasma supply, but the advantage is that it can be easily judged online without visiting a specialized institution. Plasma supply needs to go through a complex process, but the increase in plasma suppliers through this response can help develop COVID-19 treatment and early establishment of treatment methods. Related information can be found here .