Germany’s Hessen and Saxen Consumer Center announced on November 5 (Reuters) that more than a quarter of Germany’s young people think they want to buy cryptography.
The Consumer Center is a nonprofit government support organization that provides consumer protection and advisory services. The center conducted a survey of Germans aged 18 to 39 years. As a result, more than half (55%) of the respondents said they had heard of passwords. Also, 77 percent of those who said they know the currency are less likely to invest in the currency.
When asked about the perception of risk factors for cryptography, 70% of respondents said that cryptographic transactions are dangerous or very dangerous. The report points out that there is a strong correlation between risk estimates and age of respondents. 54 percent of respondents aged 30 to 39 think that cryptographic investment is risky, while 28 percent of respondents aged 18 to 29 said they could buy cryptographic money.
It is worth noting that this report warns about the risk of investing in cryptography. The Consumer Center points out that investors need to know that cryptography is a gray capital market in terms of investment, and there is no such thing as regulation or investment protection. Skeptical views on cryptography can be seen within the German government. The German finance minister said in September that cipher money could not replace the existing legal currency. He also showed that cryptography would not be an important part of the economy, nor did it compare tulip bubbles and cryptography in the Netherlands in the 17th century.
Meanwhile, according to a similar survey conducted in the United States, the US Millennium generation is interested in cryptography and 36% of respondents said they want to use cryptography more than the dollar. In another survey, the Millennium generation, with an annual salary of $ 75,000 to $ 999,999, had the highest percentage of investment in cryptography. For more information, please click here .