A new benchmark result for the Apple Silicon M1, a Mac chip that Apple announced during the One more thing event on November 11, was released on November 15. According to this, the M1 chip outperforms other Macs even in an environment that emulates x86.
The day after Apple announced the M1 chip on the 11th, the benchmark app Geekbench 5 service posted the M1 chip benchmark results. According to this, the M1 chip exhibits higher single-core performance than Intel Core i9. The result of the MacBook Air benchmark with the M1 chip that ran x86 emulation on Rosetta 2 was also posted on the Geekbench 5 site.
In the benchmark results, the M1 chip running on the MacBook Air with 8GB of RAM scored 1,313 points for a single core and 5,888 points for a multi-core. Reportedly, the M1 chip can only perform 78-79% of the code for Apple’s silicon when running x86 code on Rosetta 2. In fact, the benchmark result of testing the same MacBook Air in an environment where Rosetta 2 is not used is 1,687 points for single core and 7,433 points for multicore.
As for the test results conducted in this situation, it is pointed out that the single-core score of the MacBook Air with the M1 chip in the Rosetta 2 environment is higher than any other Intel-based Mac, such as the 27-inch 2020 model of the iMac with Intel Core i9. .
The difference between the emulation environment and the non-emulation environment reduces the Geekbench 5 score by 21-22%, but it is said that the MacBook Air with the M1 chip still surpassed other Mac single-core records. Related information can be found here .
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