
Like life, there are limits… Social media limited to 100 posts?

Minus is an SNS that has no likes or follows, and the number of posts that can be posted is limited to 100.

If you go to the site and create an account (Sign up→Create Account), you can check the URL via email. When you click the URL, the activated key is displayed, and the account creation is completed by pressing the button (Activate). Click Log In to go to the login screen. Just enter the email address and password you just registered on the login screen.

After logging in, write something in the input form (Write something here) and press the button located at the bottom (Submit Post) to post it. The button shows the remaining number of inputable posts, and below is other people’s posts.

Unlike Twitter, there is no 140-character limit, and content can be edited after posting. If you click the silhouette icon located at the top of the post form, you can edit your profile or change your account information. When you delete your account, previous posts are also deleted.

The minus is that like life, there is a limit, so it can be said that the number of postings is limited. Related information can be found here.



Through the monthly AHC PC and HowPC magazine era, he has watched 'technology age' in online IT media such as ZDNet, electronic newspaper Internet manager, editor of Consumer Journal Ivers, TechHolic publisher, and editor of Venture Square. I am curious about this market that is still full of vitality.

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