
Android 11 or later, Daydream VR support ends

It has been officially announced that support for Daydream VR, a virtual reality platform, will end after Android 11.

Daydream VR, announced in 2016, is a platform that includes smartphones, VR headsets, remote controls, and apps. Google also sold its own virtual reality headset, Daydream View.

However, Daydream didn’t become as popular as Google had hoped, support was discontinued on Pixel smartphones, and Daydream View sales ended in 2019. Of course, Google has announced that it will end software support and updates for Daydream VR, but the service will continue.

Meanwhile, Google is focusing on augmented reality fields such as Google Lens and Google Maps AR navigation. The end of Daydream VR support can be seen as a symbol of this movement. Related information can be found here.



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