Stanford University School of Medicine in the U.S. has launched the First Responder COVID-19 Guide, an app that provides corona 19 infection screening and information for California police, firefighters, and paramedics.
This app was developed in cooperation with Apple. The goal is to provide efficient access to necessary medical care while working in safe conditions where initial response is possible in the event of COVID-19 infection. It is said that the test was first started on Santa Clara County and San Mateo County prison police, firefighters, and paramedics.
In this app structure, the user first conducts a survey to see what symptoms they are experiencing. Then, if there are symptoms suggestive of Corona 19 infection, the app recommends testing. In addition, when the results of the questionnaire are contacted through the app to the health department called the department’s infection control officer, they receive priority drive-through scan appointments at seven Stanford locations.
The reason behind this app’s offering lies in the fact that people continue to be exposed to their own risk of infection in order to provide public services amid the spread of virus infection. For example, in New York City as of April 1, more than 1,000 police officers tested positive. Responding quickly to their infection could further lead to a pandemic containment.
In addition, the pre-examination provides an advantage to the medical institution performing the examination. Stanford University announced that it was able to save resources by screening through video calls before testing as a result of conducting the Corona 19 test in March. We expect this app to make this process more efficient.
The app uses the Apple ResearchKit or CareKit framework and also includes a list of FAQs and the latest Corona 19 information from Stanford University experts. The university expects to expand its apps to frontline workers, such as grocery staff and public service personnel. Of course, since this effectiveness is secured through close cooperation with inspection agencies, distribution to other regions may take time. Related information can be found here .
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