
Airbus is developing an electronic nose that detects the smell of dangerous chemicals?

Airbus, an airline company, is developing a jellyfish-like device that detects the smell of bombs and dangerous chemicals in partnership with Konik, a wetware company that sciences the organs of the brain and life.

Initially, it was made to respond only to explosives, but as the corona19 epidemic spreads, it is said that it has expanded its function to respond to biological risks during development. In response to the spread of the pandemic, the direction was changed to respond to the biological field. Of course, it is not possible to detect Corona 19 at this stage, and it is effective against bioterrorism involving volatile odors.

The sensor contains a genetically engineered olfactory receptor. It is said that it adopts a future-oriented technology that combines a microprocessor with living cells that have genetically engineered HEK cells and Astrosite. It is at the level of a microscope, but it is a cyborg-like device.

It can be programmed to alert you when some kind of electronic nose inside the sensor detects certain odor molecules. It can be deployed not only on board, but also throughout the airport to protect it more safely without having to dedicate personnel. The technology is expected to begin trial operation by the end of 2020. Related information can be found here .



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