Netflix ended the 30-day free trial it had been offering to new subscribers in October. On the 13th of October, the free trial registration button disappeared from the Netflix site. The 30-day free trial text has also disappeared from the domestic page.
Netflix said that the free trial is not available and that you must sign up to use all the services provided by Netflix. He explained that the contract period or cancellation fee is not a bond, and if you feel that the experience does not suit you, you can change or cancel the plan at any time.
Netflix has been phasing out the benefits it has provided to U.S. subscribers since October, but in recent years, countries around the world have been phasing out these benefits. Netflix is exploring new ways to appeal to potential subscribers, such as posting educational content on YouTube for free or providing free content as a free trial alternative.
In fact, Netflix has started a free trial of Netflix content from August 31st, where you can watch some works for free without registering as a member. Netflix is also reviewing various marketing promotions in the United States to attract new members and provide experiences. However, details such as the details of the promotion currently being reviewed or whether the promotion was conducted outside the United States were not known.
Netflix’s suspension of free trials was in the midst of other streaming services significantly increasing their free trials to acquire new subscribers. Apple extended the free period for Apple TV+ subscribers for three months until the end of February 2021. In addition, mobile video services such as Quibi and Disney+ have also begun offering free trials. There is also an opinion that the existence of these competing services influenced the Netflix strategy. Related information can be found here .
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