It is pointed out that there was an error in the animation included in the NFT, such as the source code of the browser WWW (WorldWideWeb), which was auctioned by Tim Berners-Lee and sold for 6 billion won.
A researcher at security company F-Secure discovered an error in an NFT animation published on the Sotheby’s site. The error was, of course, replaced with a later corrected one. In addition, NFT also includes a poster of the WWW source code printed by Tim Berners-Lee in Python, but the poster shows no such error, so it is possible that there was a conversion error when Sotheby’s prepared the sample separately.
NFT is digital data with an unforgeable cryptographic certificate issued and traded on a blockchain Therefore, even if this NFT animation was wrong in the first place, the original file certificate exists in the blockchain. Related information can be found here.
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