Google has announced on its official blog that it has made it possible to block certain users in Google Drive. It’s available to all Google Workspace users and personal Google accounts, and will roll out over the next few months.
While the drive sharing feature promotes productivity and collaboration, there is also the potential for malicious actors to exploit tools to facilitate beneficial sharing. The purpose of adding this function is to take necessary security measures to prevent such threats. In other words, the Google Drive sharing feature allows you to eliminate the person who is sending you spam or malicious files.

To use this function, right-click on the file being shared and select the blocking function located second from the menu that appears. This will prevent users from sharing any content in the future. For example, this can be a useful control over who has a history of sending spam and abusive content.
It also deletes all existing files and folders shared by the user. This is an easy way to get rid of all spam or malicious content shared by a particular user at once. In addition, the person who previously shared the content can also remove the permission.

To block, you’ll see a pop-up stating that this person can’t interact with you on Google Drive and certain other Google products. Since the Google Drive sharing notification is apparently from Google, it is also pointed out that it falls out of the Gmail filtering function and becomes a hotbed of spam or phishing scams. Related information can be found here.
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