
Amazon sues GoPro and sellers of counterfeit goods

Amazon and GoPro have filed a joint lawsuit in the United States against two Chinese companies and seven individuals, alleging that they sold fake GoPro accessories. Fake sales violate Amazon policies, infringe the GoPro trademark and break the law. To be more specific, it is said that they were selling the product as a genuine product by using the GoPro Registration Commercial Act without permission.

The counterfeit one does not look much different from the GoPro accessories such as The Handler, 3-Way grip, tripod, etc. It is said that there is a subtle difference.

According to Amazon, if counterfeiters tried to sell on Amazon, they not only infringed the intellectual property rights of companies like the GoPro, but also deceived consumers and defamed Amazon as a place to buy genuine products. Amazon actively protects against fraud, counterfeiting and misuse, uses tools to verify seller identities, and assures that products are genuine. .

In 2020, counterfeit crimes units will be installed to identify fake companies and support legal responsibility in connection with trials or law enforcement agencies. It is causing lawsuits one after another against product sellers.

This isn’t the first time Amazon has filed a bogus lawsuit, and in 2020, Apple claimed that 90% of Lightning cables and chargers that were listed as Fulfilled by Amazon were fake. On the scale of Amazon, even if the fake rate was less than 0.01% as claimed, the sales volume is likely to reach a significant amount, and the damage is likely to be higher when considering the proportion of people who did not notice the fake or gave up on the consumer.

When it comes to GoPro, it’s a simple, sturdy, compact camera for all active scenes. It can be seen that the fact that Amazon filed a joint lawsuit with the GoPro was considered as an urgent matter. Related information can be found here.



Through the monthly AHC PC and HowPC magazine era, he has watched 'technology age' in online IT media such as ZDNet, electronic newspaper Internet manager, editor of Consumer Journal Ivers, TechHolic publisher, and editor of Venture Square. I am curious about this market that is still full of vitality.

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