
Reddit “Corona 19 false information… ”

As the COVID-19 pandemic spreads around the world, vaccinations are being carried out around the world, while there are a number of people who reject the vaccine or claim that there is no such thing as an original Corona 19 virus epidemic. Reddit, known as the largest English-speaking social community, demanded the closing of bulletin boards with such objections or misinformation about vaccines, and some operators posted open letters.

Some on Reddit say that there is no room for tolerance for life-threatening situations caused by misinformation posted on the platform, and that Reddit must fulfill its responsibility as a global platform. It is an open letter calling for a ban on bulletin boards that spread medical disinformation and undermine efforts to fight a global pandemic.

Reddit CEO Steve Huffman wrote in a post stating that the best way for everyone is to get vaccinated and continue to wear a mask in accordance with CDC guidelines, but not everyone agrees with the COVID-19 policy. While acknowledging that some people are wary of vaccinations, he said the dissenting opinion was part of Reddit and that this is the foundation of democracy.

CEO Huffman seeks mutual understanding, saying he expects to tackle the COVID-19 task with empathy, compassion, and an attitude of understanding and striving for what others are experiencing, even if their views on COVID-19 are different from their own. I think it’s the best and most up-to-date information, but he said that objecting to the CDC’s opinion itself shouldn’t be inconsistent with its policy. It said that it is against the company’s policy for Reddit to manipulate or deny certain opinions.

The senders of the open letter said they were disappointed with Reddit’s response, saying that it is intolerable to see blatant and uncertain misinformation being considered one of the conjectures. They expressed dissatisfaction with Reddit’s move to withhold an active response to misinformation. Related information can be found here.



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