Nikon’s Small World, a photo contest hosted by Nikon that captures the microscopic world with a camera.
First place is a coalescing microdroplet. The moment when small droplets of 80% water and 20% ethanol were combined and the mushroom-shaped microorganisms contained in the droplets were captured. Filmed in the process of developing a surface or material that pops a droplet, it focuses on visualizing how droplets and condensate interact with the surface on a micro-scale.
The second place is plankton larvae, which are marine cones. You can check the details of the plankton tentacle movement in the water and the internal pulsation seen through the transparent body surface. Although plankton are important in the ecosystem, they usually know very little about plankton, and raising curiosity will help them understand plankton activities and roles in the ecosystem.
Third place is onion cell protoplast flow. The onion cells were photographed at 40x zoom to understand the protoplasmic flow, a phenomenon of intracellular fluid flow.
4th place is black worm in peristalsis. Through the transparent skin, you can see the worm while it wriggles. The magnification of the lens used for photography is said to be 4x.
5th place contains rat neurons stained with a fluorescent paint from hippocampal neurons in a rat embryo. Related information can be found here.
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