BrainGate 2 is a brain implant system that allows three people with limb paralysis to manipulate the tablet. It adds an electrode to the motor cortex that governs brain activity, allowing an external device to decode the signal. It works as an EEG but it also works with a mouse connected to the Android tablet via Bluetooth.
Using this system, the participant could manipulate the cursor with only brain waves to perform web browsing, email transmission, live chat, and piano apps. But not all operations are possible. For example, you can not do click andrad or multi touch. The scrolling up and down of the browser is limited, but it can be overcome by adding accessibility features that are implemented in Android and apps.
In addition to the brain implants, a person who can move his body can manipulate external devices by studying brain waves using a helmet-like device and using eye-gaze input. In the case of line-of-sight input, camera and sensor technologies have evolved and are becoming feasible as a smartphone.
As the population moves to an aging society in the future, the number of people who are not free will increase. However, using technology such as gaze input, brain wave operation, VR and AR, there is a possibility that the contact with society can be maintained. For more information, please click here .
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