Russian gun maker Kalashnikov has developed KUB-UAV, an airplane type drone capable of carrying 3kg of explosives.
The drones can fly for 30 minutes at 130 km / h. It is not just a reconnaissance drones, but one that exploits target exploits. It does not specify how much the price is, but it can be manufactured and handled at a fairly low price. It can be fired quickly and accurately, which can also be exploited to increase the destructive power of bomb-borne drones created by terrorists.
Kalashnikov says he wants to sell the drones to small armies. That’s why some say that small-scale troops might be guerrillas or terrorists. Anyway, experts say the drones can be a catalyst to spread smart bombs.
Last August, the drones approached during the Venezuelan presidential address. The president was fine, but seven soldiers were injured. In January, there were 13 homeless drone bombings in the Russian military base in Syria. In addition, each time the suspicious drones approach the airport, there is a problem that the takeoff and landing is temporarily suspended. At the airport that has suffered damage, it may also consider introducing the development of a drones deactivation system. The drones, on the other hand, enrich their lives, but the military purpose development is also strengthening. For more information, please click here .
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