The Russian SNS company VKontakte has unveiled its own currency VK coin that can be mined.
There was a report in March that VoconteTe is reviewing its own coin, but it actually showed the VK coin. There is no evidence that the VK coin is based on block-chain technology, but users can borrow VK coins.
VK coins can be used in game applications and the like, and users can make VK coins in the game or send them to other gamers and their communities. This service is available on iOS and Android.
The VK coin will soon be available for a variety of third-party partner services and discounts, according to VK Pay, Vickon Taxa’s payment service. Also, according to reports, you can usually coin 0.001 VK coins in the game, but you can increase the amount of boiling by purchasing the boost function separately.
According to Vicontekte, VK coin mining is available for more than 4 million users on a 5-day basis, with a maximum user retention of more than 890 million coins. For more information, please click here .
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