Amazon has become the king of online shopping, but it can not be said to have succeeded in fashion. Because I do not go to Amazon even if I buy clothes in online shopping. But Amazon has released a new tool that uses an AI called StyleSnap.
Style nap is Shazam for clothes. Shazam is an app that recognizes the music flowing on the radio and TV, but StyleNap lets you search for similar clothes that Amazon treats by uploading clothes photos. Of course, these services already offer similar start-ups or offer online fashion company Asos. Amazon also announced that it has already introduced Echo Look, a stylist feature that uses AI, to combine fashion and technology, but not to think that it is not just about wanting to continue writing beyond the mysterious response.
For this reason, it is not clear yet whether Amazon will succeed in the fashion sector by introducing the AI function, but it seems certain that at least Amazon will not give up the fashion sector. For more information, please click here .
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