
How to erase only the sound of potato chips during a video conference?

What if you suddenly have a video conference while eating potato chips while working on a remote work at home? A technology under development by Microsoft (Real-time noise suppression) suppresses noise in real time. It allows artificial intelligence to identify and eliminate unnecessary noise and to clearly emit only the voices spoken by humans.

Robert Aichner, senior program manager for communications at Microsoft, is demonstrating the technology, erasing the sound of eating potato chips and making only the voice heard. The technology is said to eliminate noise such as dog barking and vacuum cleaners. Even if the children are chatting around during the work, it seems that they can participate in the meeting without worry.

In 2019, Microsoft announced a noise suppression function, the predecessor of this technology, for Microsoft Stream, an 11-ul video delivery service. It is a technology that erases background noise not only from cafes and streets, but also from construction sites with one click. Although it did not explain the direct relationship with this control technology, it can be seen as a similar extension.

The technology is expected to be available this year through Microsoft teams, and there are reports that it will also be featured in Zoom and Google Hangouts. Depending on the person you are in the video conference with, the fact remains that even if you allow communication while eating snacks, noise can interfere with the conversation. If the situation where you can be forced to remotely work anytime and anywhere continues, such a function will be quite convenient. Related information can be found here .



Through the monthly AHC PC and HowPC magazine era, he has watched 'technology age' in online IT media such as ZDNet, electronic newspaper Internet manager, editor of Consumer Journal Ivers, TechHolic publisher, and editor of Venture Square. I am curious about this market that is still full of vitality.

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