
Netflix unveils free educational documentary on YouTube

Netflix released a total of 34 works in 10 series of educational documentary content on YouTube for free. Netflix has admitted that some educational documentaries are screened in classrooms and other places for educational purposes. However, it cannot be screened in the classroom as the school is still closed and home study continues. Therefore, some of the documentary series were made available for free viewing on YouTube. In addition, we prepared educational materials that included content explanations and Q&A.

All published works are in 10 series (13th, Abstract, Babies, Chasing Coral, Explained, Knock Down the House, Our Planet, Period.End of Sentence, The White Helmets, Zion). The audio in the video released on YouTube is English, but Korean subtitles are also supported. In addition, all videos are also available on Netflix. The difference is that Netflix supports local language voices, but only English voices are supported for educational materials. Related information can be found here .



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