
Microsoft fires reporters and replaces editorial with AI

It is said that Microsoft has launched plans to replace reporters with artificial intelligence on Microsoft News or MSN News, and has actually started firing reporters.

Microsoft has been in the news business for over 25 years since starting the portal site service MSN in 1995. MSN News and Microsoft News, operated by Microsoft, are delivered through Microsoft Edge, a browser, and are reported daily by adding articles that Microsoft has worked on to posts written by other media companies.

However, it turns out that AI, not humans, selects, edits, and curates articles in this Microsoft news sector. In the US, 50 reporters and editors contracted with Microsoft through a number of talent dispatching companies such as IFG, Aquent, and MAQ Consulting, and in the UK, 27 contracted through PA Media, a telecommunications company, 2020. It is said that he was notified of the suspension of the contract after June 30, 2010. An employee who asked for anonymity on the cause said that Microsoft was planning to replace reporters with AI.

MSN said that it plans to optimize the content by specifying highly responsive documents through algorithms among articles reported by the media, and rewriting titles through AI or adding photos or slideshows. Until now, automation through AI has been promoted, but Microsoft plans to replace much of it with AI after June 30th.

In addition, the replacement by AI is limited to contractors through talent dispatch companies, and editors directly employed by Microsoft will continue to work in the future. In response, Microsoft said that, like all companies, Microsoft is regularly evaluating its business, and as a result, if investment in some sectors increases, it can be replaced with other types. This decision has nothing to do with the Corona 19 epidemic. Announced. Related information can be found here .



Through the monthly AHC PC and HowPC magazine era, he has watched 'technology age' in online IT media such as ZDNet, electronic newspaper Internet manager, editor of Consumer Journal Ivers, TechHolic publisher, and editor of Venture Square. I am curious about this market that is still full of vitality.

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