Nottingham University Professor Christopher Conselice and Professor Tom Westby have in mind that humans took more than 4.6 billion years from Earth’s birth, using the Drake equation to communicate with humans in an extraterrestrial galaxy. He published a paper claiming that 36 living things exist.
The Drake equation calculates the number of extraterrestrial civilizations in space, N, that will contact humans in 1961 by American astronomer Frank Drake estimates the number of extraterrestrial civilizations in the galaxy that can contact humans (N=R*×fp×ne). ×fl×fi×fc×L). Here, R* is the number of stars born per year in a galaxy with humans, fp is the probability that a star has a planetary system, ne is the average number of planets that can have life in a star system, and fl is The probability that life will be born on a planet, fi is the probability that the born life will develop into an intelligent life, fc is the probability that the intelligent life will be in contact with another star, and L is the state in which the intelligent life can contact other stars. It’s time to keep it.
The results vary greatly depending on what numbers are assigned to variables such as R* and fp. Thus, by man, the answer to the equation varies from zero to billions. Professor Conceris said that this equation is not a scientific formula, but rather a tool for questioning how many extraterrestrial civilizations can communicate with humans.
The age of the Earth’s galaxy is known to be 14 billion years old, and more than 97% of it is known to be composed of stars similar to or older than Earth. And it is thought that a third of 97% of stars could have planetary systems.
In addition, the real sample of the Copernicus principle for probability is calculated under the assumption that the maximum probability has been realized. Like Earth, they argued that 4 to 211 civilizations exist in the galaxy where the Earth exists when it is assumed that intelligent life forms between 4.5 billion and 5.5 billion years after the star was born. In addition, if humans use radio waves for about 100 years, there is a high possibility that there are 36 kinds of intelligent life that can exist in contact with humans.
They claim that the closest intelligent life to Earth exists at 17,000 light-years, and that humanity needs to continue civilization for at least 6,120 years to be able to communicate in both directions with such intelligent life. Professor Conceris says that the appearance of intelligent life that can be in contact with humanity is similar to that of living things on Earth, and that we do not need to be shocked by the fact that we can see it. He also explained that this study was an important and interesting idea, and that it discovered the possibility of the existence of other life forms in the universe that were first potentially contacted, and that it was possible to estimate the number of intelligent and communicable civilizations. Related information can be found here .
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