
Vimeo unveils free video messaging tool

Vimeo Record is a free video messaging service introduced by Vimeo that allows teams to contact them through video messages.

Anjali Sud, CEO of Vimeo, points out that in the coronavirus outbreak, many companies use communication tools like Zoom, but often require asynchronous messaging for communication for work. Usually video is a way to convey a message. It can be more effective than having to set up the next call or using a long email or Slack thread. Vimeo is focusing on providing business video tools rather than competing with YouTube. It is going to be an enterprise video solution.

Vimeo Records is an extension of this strategy. Under Corona 19, Vimeo sales grew 40-50% year-on-year, but Vimeo Records has been developed from before, and a new communication method is needed amid rapid team decentralization, reflecting a long-term trend.

Vimeo created a Google Chrome extension that allows users to easily record screens, their faces, share videos or comment, put them in a folder with different permissions, and let someone see them. According to the company, 400 companies are already beta testing new features. It has various uses, such as conducting design and code reviews, solving customer support issues, and sharing messages from company executives.

Vimeo explains that Vimeo Records also fits its free business model. Anyone can send unlimited messages for free, but if you want to host videos on a third-party custom branded video platform, you’ll need a paid premium feature. Related information can be found here .



Through the monthly AHC PC and HowPC magazine era, he has watched 'technology age' in online IT media such as ZDNet, electronic newspaper Internet manager, editor of Consumer Journal Ivers, TechHolic publisher, and editor of Venture Square. I am curious about this market that is still full of vitality.

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