The official Android Twitter account posted an unannounced Pixel Buds A series tweet on May 5. The tweet itself has already been deleted, but a photo has also been posted, and the response to the new Fast Pair, which was updated in April, is also revealed.
Pixel Bird A has been rumored to be circulating since before, and it was confirmed in April. The position of the case charging indicator has changed, and the color of the inside of the case and the earpiece is different from that of the existing Pixel Buds. In the model name of Pixel Bird A, it is possible to think of the possibility of being introduced as a low-cost model such as the Pixel 4a, but it is not yet known what the specifications will be. According to the rumors known so far, the touch control itself is the same as before. The specifications of the earphone itself do not change significantly, and there may be differences, such as reducing the capacity of the charging case battery or not responding to wireless charging.
Anyway, the details are likely to be announced at Google I/O, which will be held from May 18th. Related information can be found here.
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