
Ubisoft sued for systematic sexual harassment

Ubisoft has been sued for systematic sexual harassment by an enemy employee and a French trade union (Solidaires Informatique). In the complaint, Ubisoft sued several executives, including CEO Yves Guillemot, and several former and current employees whose names were announced on suspicion of sexual harassment last year, saying that they are maintaining and strengthening a company-wide structure that tolerates sexual harassment. It is revealed that it has condoned cheating without resolving the issue. In the case of CEO Yves Guillemo, he was named not because he acted directly, but because he was ultimately responsible for what happens inside the company as CEO and co-founder.

After four executives left during the sexual harassment riot last year, Ubisoft is conducting an in-house investigation to resolve the problem. For example, Tommy François, vice president of editorial and creative services, retired after disciplinary action, and the executive director and others who resigned during the investigation of the allegations, including those who have already left the company, are included in the complaint.

French unions claim that some executives accused of sexual harassment are still sitting in their former posts. Ubisoft did not show any recognizable action against sexual harassment measures earlier this month, and it is said that a lot of new complaints are being received on the internal bulletin board. Related information can be found here.



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