
Bluetooth dongle… LG Electronics UV Sterilization Earphone

LG Electronics introduced the Bluetooth dongle function to the new model of the TONE Free series of earphones with UV live function.

Tone-free series introduced UV sterilization function in the charging case from 2019. According to LG Electronics, this sterilization function was able to confirm the reduction of E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus.

The top model, the FP9, works as a Bluetooth dongle by connecting an audio cable to a playback device. For example, you can enjoy wireless playback with devices that do not have Bluetooth audio capabilities, such as the Nintendo Switch, a game console. In addition, active noise canceling ANC function was added to the FP9 and the mid-range model FP8. All models, including the FP5, are equipped with spatial audio capabilities. The FP8 charging case supports wireless charging, while the FP5 does not support UV sterilization. All model earphone body is IPX4 splashproof specification.

You can choose from three colors of the Tone Free Series: Charcoal Black, Pearl White, and Haze Gold, and sales will begin in September. Related information can be found here.



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