The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has announced that the lunar orbit is at risk of a surge in flooding caused by high tides due to tidal effects caused by the periodically changing action of the moon. Past studies have found that waves are rising due to the effects of global warming and warn that coastal cities in the United States will experience flooding between 2030 and 2040 due to the synergistic effect of these two phenomena.
Flooding caused by typhoons, tsunamis, floods, and hurricanes has a major impact on people’s lives by causing flooding of roads and sewers. In the United States, they are also called nuisance floods. According to a NOAA survey by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), there were more than 600 mischievous floods on U.S. coasts in 2019. Typhoons, tsunamis, and floods are increasing year by year due to sea level rise brought about by climate change, but a NASA and University of Hawaii study announced in June 2021 that changes in the lunar orbit amplify the tidal wave and increase flooding further after the 2030s. it will be revealed
Professor Phil Thompson, a professor at the University of Hawaii at the University of Hawaii, said that depending on the region, flooding would happen every one or two days. He pointed out that there would be public health problems, such as overflowing the water tanks.
One of the factors contributing to the increase in flooding is sea level rise due to global warming. According to NOAA, the global average sea level has risen by 20 to 25 cm since 1880, and it is estimated that the sea level will rise by 0.3 to 2.5 m by 2100 depending on the amount of greenhouse gas reduction in the future. In this study that added astronomical effects to tidal gauge data from 89 locations in coastal areas across the United States, the research team found that the effect of gravitational changes brought about by changes in the lunar orbit accelerates the increase in flooding.
Since the Earth’s moon, the moon, orbits at an angle off the equator, the intersection of the equatorial plane and the lunar orbital plane also moves. This junction changes with a cycle of 18.6 years, and the tidal flow is also affected by this change. Specifically, the ebb tide is suppressed in half of the 18.6 year cycle, the sea level is lowered at high tide, and conversely, the ebb sea level is higher than normal. On the other hand, the other half said that, because the ebb effect is amplified, almost all coastal areas of the United States except Alaska, Hawaii, and Guam will experience a sharp increase in floods between 2030 and 2040.
The research team found that the factors that cause flooding are concentrated during a specific period, but that floods are expected to intensify in the second half of the year than in the first half. . Related information can be found here.
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