Doom, the classic shooting game released in 1993, is still being loved by gamers and hackers as a visual change MOD is still being released almost 20 years after its release. Tweet2Doom, a bot account that allows you to play Doom using the Twitter response feature, has emerged.
To play Doom in Tweet2Doom, simply answer the command to enter a key in a pinned tweet. In this way, in Tweet2Doom, when you press a key in Doom, a video is displayed, and when you send a command to a mention, you can enjoy Doom while repeating the operation of confirming the video.
The list of commands that can be used in Tweet2Doom is l (up arrow), a (Alt), etc. Each command is assigned a key input. In Tweet2Doom, you can instruct a frame-by-frame operation by entering such a command after the /play trigger. You can also specify the number of frames to continue working by entering a number before the command.
For example, the command ‘/play x 10-, e, 10-, e, 10-, e, 50-, 50-u, 35-‘ waits for 10 frames by pressing the Esc key, and waits for 10 frames when pressing the Enter key. If you press , enter key to wait 10 frames, press enter key to wait for 50 frames, and press the up arrow to wait for 35 frames.
According to Tweet2Doom, Doom game progress is managed by a Twitter reply tree. Therefore, you can start playing in the middle by sending a mention to the tree where the other person is playing halfway through. Also, if you want to start working again, you can branch the tree by mentioning the Tweet2Doom tweet and doing it again. Tweet2Doom also publishes a website that visualizes every tree being played, from which you can navigate to each tweet in the tree. In addition, the Tweet2Doom source code is registered in the official Github repository. Related information can be found here.
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