A drone that crashed near a substation located in Pennsylvania, USA in 2020 is likely to have flown to destroy substation electronics, reports have emerged.
The incident started in July 2020 when a drone crashed near a substation in Pennsylvania. The FBI, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s DHS, and the National Center for Counter-Terrorism, which have been investigating the drone, said the drone is the first case of a modified drone system that is likely to be used for energy infrastructure in the United States.
According to information obtained from these agencies, the drone attack did not stop power supply or cause damage to substation facilities. However, the person who piloted the drone is still unknown, and the exact location of the drone crash site has not yet been revealed. Authorities appear to have provided information to the media to become aware of the incident and the existence of drone attacks targeting infrastructure.
The drone used in the attack is a modified DJI quadcopter Mavic 2 (Mavic 2). According to authorities, the modified drone was modified to damage transformers and power distribution lines, and the drone that crashed appeared seriously outdated, suggesting that it was modified for a one-time attack only.
Security officials say every aspect of cybersecurity now needs to be taken care of, but it must be made clear that physical threats to the grid like this one are becoming a reality. In addition, as the price of drones is falling and the spread is accelerating, companies and government agencies responsible for important infrastructure need to deal with the threat of physical attack or surveillance by drones.
DHS is investing in technology to combat drone attacks, etc., and in 2020 advised U.S. government agencies on alternatives to drone attacks. Related information can be found here.
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