
[Weekly Podcast] U.S. stablecoin information collection and restrictions lifted GPT-3

The possibility of a cryptographic asset stablecoin designed to realize price stability as a future payment method is being discussed in various countries. Although the introduction of stablecoins in the United States is being discussed, the lack of transparency as a currency and the inconsistency of the redemption process are questioned. Therefore, the U.S. Senate Banking Committee sent an information gathering letter to stablecoin issuers and exchanges through a public hearing in 2022. It turned out.

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Meanwhile, the Indian government has announced that a bill to ban all private crypto assets in India will be submitted for consideration by Parliament. Recently, there are countries such as El Salvador that make crypto assets a legal currency, but it is reported that crypto asset trading is illegal in China, and there is a possibility that crypto assets will be strictly cracked in India.

Next news. After El Salvador announced in June a bill to legalize Bitcoin, President Naib Bukele ordered the use of geothermal power plants near Conchagua Volcano for cryptocurrency mining. In this way, it was announced that a new street called Bitcoin City would be built in the area near the geothermal power plant and Launion Street on the east coast. It includes residential and commercial areas, services, museums, entertainment, bars and restaurants, airports, ports, railways and more.

It is said that there is VAT on orders in Bitcoin City, but no income tax. It is said that half of the tax revenue is used to make the streets, and the other half is used to keep the streets clean.

OpenAI announced that process improvements have removed the GPT-3 weight and made the API available to anyone. OpenAI put a limit on the number of users by setting up a waiting list for using the GPT-3 API. OpenAI said that it provides tools such as content filters that help build applications using APIs, discloses best practices for developers, and supports rapid development. In addition to working on improving the safeguards feature, he added that the content guidelines will be changed to streamline the process for developers and allow for many use cases.

Rolls-Royce claims to have set three world records with the Spirit of Innovation, which it developed as the world’s fastest electric airplane. The electric plane, which took off from the British Ministry of Defense test airfield not too long ago, recorded a top speed of 623 km, setting a world record for electric planes.

Rolls-Royce CEO Warren East said the advanced batteries and propulsion technology developed for this program will offer exciting applications to the advanced air mobility market, highlighting that this achievement marks a new milestone for the realization of Jet Zero.

The world’s first self-navigating electric cargo ship has been launched in Norway. Norwegian fertilizer maker Yara built a self-navigating electric cargo ship, Yarra Buckland, and conducted it on November 19th. Yarra Buckland plans to transport up to 120 containers of fertilizer from Forsgrun, located in southeast Norway, to the port of Brevik. thank you.



Through the monthly AHC PC and HowPC magazine era, he has watched 'technology age' in online IT media such as ZDNet, electronic newspaper Internet manager, editor of Consumer Journal Ivers, TechHolic publisher, and editor of Venture Square. I am curious about this market that is still full of vitality.

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