
Mexico’s first block chain association “to establish standards”

The first block chain association was established in Mexico. Bitso, Volabit, GBM, Lvna Capital, ConsenSys, and Exponent Capital have joined the association. The purpose of the association is to inform about the adoption and applicability of block-chain technology.

The association plans to establish standards or practices before the technology becomes mainstream. The goal of the block chain technology is to create a more transparent, safe and efficient procedure, and to establish it. We plan to increase the number of new members. It is meant to embrace a variety of ideas to create a forum for discussion and public policy.

The cryptographic and block chain industry is building associations to foster technology adoption and to establish comprehensive standards with regulators. In November, 10 companies, including Galaxy Digital and Fox, established the Digital Asset Market Association (ADAM) for the Code of Covenant Code of Conduct. In September, US blockbuster companies, including CoinBase, announced the establishment of a block chain association in Washington, DC . They want to work for US tax laws, cryptographic money handling, and political problems.

Meanwhile, the Mexican central bank announced in September that it would make it mandatory for all banks and cryptographic exchange exchanges that provide cryptographic services in Mexico to obtain permits from central banks. In order for a company dealing with digital currencies to acquire a license, a detailed business plan must be provided that explains the fee to be collected and how to use it to identify the customer. For more information, please click here .

Blockchain, el nuevo aliado del sector energético

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Through the monthly AHC PC and HowPC magazine era, he has watched 'technology age' in online IT media such as ZDNet, electronic newspaper Internet manager, editor of Consumer Journal Ivers, TechHolic publisher, and editor of Venture Square. I am curious about this market that is still full of vitality.

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