Index (Index) is a virtual reality headset released by Valve, which runs game platform steam. It will be released on June 29 as a high-end model to enjoy connecting with a PC.
Like the HTC Vibe Pro, it has a 1440 × 1600 display per side, but it uses a non-OLED LCD. More than 50% lower pixels than OLEDs can provide sharper images with the same rendering.
HTC Vibe Pro, and Oculus Lift. Recently, however, more and more models are adopting LCDs. In addition to this product, Oculus Rift S, which was released on May 1, also used LCD.
This product also supports 120Hz and experimentally operates at 144Hz. I did not disclose information about the viewing angle, but it seems to be about 130 degrees, which is 20 degrees wider than 110 degrees of HTC Vibe.
This product has a front camera on the headset, but it is not used for tracking but is used for outside and outside viewing. In addition, a USB 3.0 type A terminal is installed on the front side through an expansion slot, and the function can be expanded as needed.
The base station is compatible with HTC Vibe Pro, so if you are already using HTC Vibe Pro, you do not need to purchase it. One headset connects to four base stations and supports up to 10 x 10 cm areas.
The price includes two headsets and two controllers, and two sets of base stations for $ 999. You can also purchase separately. The headset costs $ 499, the two controllers cost $ 279, and the base station costs $ 149. For more information, please click here .
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