
Google launches web version of Chrome Remote Desktop

Google has unveiled the new Chrome Remote Desktop. The new version allows you to work directly from the web without the need for connection-side applications. This feature was previously available as a beta version, but it has become a regular edition.

On the Chrome remote desktop, you had to install the Chrome extension on both sides of the page. In the future, however, you should only install extensions on at least the access side. You can also operate a PC at home, such as in a PC room.

The connection side can use a browser other than Chrome. The operating system is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. In response, the existing Chrome Remote Desktop will end support on June 30th. For Android and iOS, you can still connect using your existing application. It will support multi-monitor support and file transfer in the future. If there is enough speed, there may be a day when you do not have to worry about local terminal performance. For more information, please click here .



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