
Banned Expression Spiral Kick Starter

Kickstarter, a crowdfunding site, has announced new terms and guidelines for appealing to block exaggerated or misleading expressions for those registering for the project.

Because of the nature of the funding platform, it is important to be a candidate for a contribution to the kickstart project. Therefore, there is a tendency to exaggerate. The new guidelines call for stopping the use of words such as the world’s best, the world’s smallest, the world’s best, the first, ultimately, unimaginable, or innovative. The humble promise will have more than expected.

The project idea is not yet completed, but it is not finished yet, but it is prohibited to describe it as if it already existed, or to show it as a product after the kickstart project, such as a 50% discount on sale price or a 35% discount on the suggested retail price have.

Obviously, I take a strict posture about exaggerated images. That it is sincere, transparent, and actually right. In other words, the finished image should be accurately displayed to ensure that the user does not mistake it as if it were a finished product, minimizing the editing process, displaying to the user what hardware and software is available, and explaining that the function is still incomplete do. If you have a prototype, we recommend that you present it clearly and clearly.

Kick starter says that if you violate these guidelines, you can stop the referral or stop the project.

Crowdfunding aims to raise funds to complete the product. But of course there is a chance that the project will end in failure. For example, a Buddy helper robot from Blue Frog Robotics, which collected $ 659,700 a couple of years ago through the Indigo Goggles, has never been shipped and requires new funds.

Energizer, the world-renowned brand, also raised $ 15 million, or $ 11,000, less than 1% of its $ 1.2 million target in the Indigo Go-Go fund, with the world’s most battery-lasting smartphone.

These failures are of no use to the investor. Indigo delivery guarantee option If you do not send the goods that are the subscription cost, you can prepare the structure to return the amount to the investor, but Kick starter has decided to eliminate the exaggerated expression and make a policy to prevent the investor from falling into the difficult situation through accurate explanation . For more information, please click here .



Through the monthly AHC PC and HowPC magazine era, he has watched 'technology age' in online IT media such as ZDNet, electronic newspaper Internet manager, editor of Consumer Journal Ivers, TechHolic publisher, and editor of Venture Square. I am curious about this market that is still full of vitality.

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