
Pharmacist robot·IoT·5G correspondence… Stanford made a high-tech hospital

Stanford University’s newly opened hospital is actively employing advanced technology. For example, you can control lights, air conditioners, curtains, and TVs through a control pad placed next to the bed. In addition, you can call a doctor or receive hospital information through a smartphone app.

Of course, this is a service that even a hospital can do now. However, the hospital aims to connect and automate all equipment like a smartphone network. Among them, the easiest to understand is the pharmacist robot. The robot picks up medications on a prescription basis, reducing the workload and allowing human pharmacists to spend time doing more complex tasks. The medicine is transported to the dispensing station by another robot.

The transfer robot not only transports medicines, but also carries laundry and waste disposal for humans. In the facility, not only robots but also IoT devices such as sensors are used a lot, and all are connected to the internal network. Through this network, the location of employees or mobile devices can be identified in real time and used to improve work efficiency.

The facility network can support over 120,000 4K streaming devices. Stanford University says the hospital was designed with future upgrades in mind. It supports upgrading to 5G wireless network. In addition, MRI and all other medical systems can be interconnected in new ways.

Doctors and nurses can remotely monitor multiple patients, and nurse calls can be checked with mobile devices that are paid instead of a nursing doorbell to reduce noise. In addition, in two experimentally prepared hospital rooms, a depth sensor and a temperature sensor are installed next to the bed, enabling remote monitoring of patients through AI computer vision.

In addition, MyHealth, a smartphone app for patients, lets you know if hospital staff or doctors are in the hospital about treatment, and you can contact your doctor, make an appointment, view your medical records, and get directions to the hospital.

Of course, the initial cost is large to put in such advanced equipment. Stanford emphasizes that this is not a technology introduction for technology. In all respects, the focus is on what can be done to increase the productivity of people working in hospitals through automation. In addition, the university will study on improving the quality of patient care and economic benefits of hospitals born through advanced automation. The results are likely to serve as a reference for other hospitals when considering technology adoption. Related information can be found here .



Through the monthly AHC PC and HowPC magazine era, he has watched 'technology age' in online IT media such as ZDNet, electronic newspaper Internet manager, editor of Consumer Journal Ivers, TechHolic publisher, and editor of Venture Square. I am curious about this market that is still full of vitality.

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