
Tesla EV pickup truck is out

Tesla unveils its pickup truck, Cybertruck. Appearing on the public stage with colorful cybertic music, the truck has a polygonal shape like a car from the first PlayStation games. The design that combines a straight line and a flat surface may be disliked, but the interior of the four-door is spacious and the cargo compartment is designed to be multifunctional. In addition, it also suggests how to use a cover that fits the design of the cargo compartment. In a way, it may be a breakthrough product that breaks the common sense of pickup trucks.

CEO Elon Musk said that Cybertrucks have adopted the body panels of ultra-hard cold-rolled stainless steel plates for maximum durability and ruggedness to protect the driver.

The window glass is made of a sturdy glass material called Tesla armor glass. In fact, on the stage of the presentation, as if to prove this solidity, he also directed a scene where he directly grabbed a hammer and struck a cyber truck. Also, he threw a phoenix-like ball into the side window. Of course, it was my intention to say that it would be okay to do this, but in reality, it is said that there was a crack in the shape of a spider web. The design manager smiled and threw the ball back into the Tesla armor glass in the rear seat. Interestingly, there was a clean crack this time, and Elon Musk ended up explaining that it wasn’t broken on the last attempt.

Cyber truck reaches zero-back 2.9 seconds. Compared to this, pickup trucks are unprecedented and are comparable to supercars such as Lamborghini Hurakan. In the demo video, the Cybertruck played a tug of war with the Ford F150 and won the Porsche 911 and drag racing. In addition, the range of cyber trucks can be selected from three models over 400km, 480km, and 800km depending on the battery capacity.

Cybertruck has a design that looks like it appears in the cyberpunk movie Blade Runner. It can be an attractive product for Tesla enthusiasts, environmentally conscious customers, and those who appreciate athletic performance rather than conservative pickup truck enthusiasts. Elon Musk had previously stated that the truck design was inspired by the Lotus Esprit S1, which can sail underwater in the movie 007 The Spy Who Loves Me.

Cyber trucks are priced at $39,900 (based on single motor RWD). We have already started accepting reservations. The autopilot feature, like other models, is a $7,000 option. Related information can be found here .



Through the monthly AHC PC and HowPC magazine era, he has watched 'technology age' in online IT media such as ZDNet, electronic newspaper Internet manager, editor of Consumer Journal Ivers, TechHolic publisher, and editor of Venture Square. I am curious about this market that is still full of vitality.

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