
A safe playground for children with autism with Minecraft…

There are tens of millions of children with autism around the world who have a disability or difficulty in communication and building relationships. However, attempts are being made to create a safe place for children with autism to play in the world of Minecraft, a game that is popular worldwide.

A community called Autcraft is working on making Minecraft a place for children with autism to play. Use a combination of Minecraft MOD and various rules so that autistic kids can play safely Minecraft, for example, requires users to follow a variety of structured rules, but Oatcraft uses additional plugins to make the game easier for autistic kids. Specifically, Oatcraft players mark the site they will be building and use plug-ins that prevent other players from making buildings or changing houses without permission.

With these physical constraints, Oatcraft also easily constructed the social structure that participants should follow. Not only does it contain rules that must be followed in order to play safely, but it is also said to play a role in facilitating learning or helping other players. Oatcraft also prepares a tool called Community Chest that allows you to put items you don’t use and allow other community users to reuse the items.

Oatcraft provides the world of Minecraft as a safe social space, and children can play Minecraft after school and play with friends they know through the game. Children can build buildings in a safe space, play hide-and-seek, and chat with text chat.

The world of Minecraft is represented by various items and building blocks, so the player character is also quite simple. Children can’t communicate with facial expressions or detailed body language, so children move their characters out loud and exchange them for text. For autistic children, this communication can be a less stressful and more enjoyable social environment.

In addition, some children with autism may become hypersensitized, but in Minecraft, the volume and brightness can be easily adjusted. It is also possible to control the senses by moving the character freely. Oatcraft is preparing a variety of environments, such as a colorful space, a soft garden, and a room that darkens when the door is closed.

In this community, each child with autism can work freely, create objects, and sometimes work together to create objects such as large castles and buildings. In the world of Minecraft, which has become a simplified communication standard with many rules for autistic children with communication difficulties, safe play and exchange can be shared. Related information can be found here .



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