Koncepto Millenya is an electric VTOL created by Philippine inventor Kyxz Mendiola. At first, he built a drone for TV and movies, but as his dream grew bigger, he wanted to ride and fly. Individually making vertical take-off and landing aircraft that Uber and Boeing are developing at the corporate level.
He went through several prototypes to complete a manned eVTOL machine with 16 on-board computers and motor propellers. The Concepto Milena can be operated either directly with a joystick or remotely. Manipulation is said to be simple enough to be learned by just 1-2 hours of practice. However, charging takes two and a half hours and the flight time is up to 15 minutes. For now, the efficiency is not very good.
It is said that the Philippine solar car company Star 8 and the Australian technology company in the Philippines are paying attention to this invention. Related information can be found here .
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