
Unmanned Tow Tractor Begins Airport Test

Various factors affect flight delays. Air France is working with several other companies to test self-driving freight towing vehicles with the aim of streamlining airport operations and speeding up baggage delivery to aircraft. The vehicle is an AT135 baggage tractor and officially started commissioning on November 15 at Blagnac Airport in Toulouse, France.

The vehicle was equipped with a laser scan lidar sensor mounted on the roof, a GPS sensor for the bumper, and a camera that monitors 360 degrees around the tractor. It has the equipment that autonomous vehicles have. When riding a tractor, in addition to the manual, there is a switch for switching autonomous driving. It also comes with an airport map for driving the tractor and a touch screen that displays all gates.

With loads up to 25 tons, ground workers only have to lightly touch the luggage to the destination gate and aircraft. According to the Airport Traffic Act, the tractor goes to the destination through autonomous driving at 24 km/h, avoiding obstacles such as other vehicles, humans, and aircraft. When you unload your luggage, it returns and carries your luggage for another flight. It’s equipped with GPS, sensors, and detailed information about airport traffic, so the tractor can navigate the most efficient route.

Usually, one of the reasons for the development of autonomous vehicles is to increase safety and efficiency by excluding human drivers from the street. The same is true for the basic idea of developing such an autonomous towing tractor. In addition, ground workers are freed from the task of carrying luggage into the cargo hold of the plane through automation. If all ground workers and service vehicles can be automated and the humans outside are completely excluded, the possibility of approaching an airplane like a terrorist can be reduced, and airport security can be enhanced. Of course, if such a service is officially started, it is necessary to pay more attention to protection from hacking. Related information can be found here .



Through the monthly AHC PC and HowPC magazine era, he has watched 'technology age' in online IT media such as ZDNet, electronic newspaper Internet manager, editor of Consumer Journal Ivers, TechHolic publisher, and editor of Venture Square. I am curious about this market that is still full of vitality.

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