Woven City is the future connected city envisioned by Toyota. He said it would from 2021 second period during CES 2020 Susono, Shizuoka Prefecture built this city on the Connected (裾野) Higashi-Fuji (東富士) 10 000 m 2 plant sites in 70.8.
By building a empirical city, it is trying to create new values and business models by melting the latest technologies such as CASE (Connected Autonomous, Shared&Services Electric), AI personal mobility robot, and smart home into the city to see how it will be helpful to life. I aim for it.
Toyota assumes that the connected city has about 2,000 inhabitants. The city is designed by Danish architect Villake Ingels, who designed the 2nd Trade Center in New York and the new Google building.
The spiderweb-like road is completely autonomous and is divided into three roads: a road that only passes electric vehicles running at relatively high speeds, a road where pedestrians and personal mobility vehicles running at low speeds coexist, and a pedestrian-only trail. The building is equipped with solar panels and mainly uses carbon-neutral wood to emphasize sustainability and harmony with the environment. In addition, all infrastructure including fuel cell power generation is installed underground and aims to improve the quality of life by introducing robots, sensors, and AI into houses. Related information can be found here .
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