
How to work for a good start-up chosen by Forbes

Forbes has partnered with research firm Statista to select a good American start-up to work for. The selection criteria were selected by evaluating 2,500 companies established between 2010 and 2017 with three criteria: corporate reputation, employee satisfaction, and growth potential. Reputation reviewed articles, blogs, and social media posts related to each employer to search for phrases such as corporate culture and employee engagement, and surveyed corporate website traffic and headcount over two years to assess employee satisfaction, online reviews, and growth potential. How do the top companies treat their employees?

As a result of the survey, Alberz, a shoe brand made of eco-friendly materials, ranked first among 2,500 companies with the best places to work. Alberz is a unicorn company worth 1 trillion won and is considered the hottest shoe brand in the United States. Alberz employees cited Alberz’s clear mission as an important component of corporate evaluation. Alberz’s good mission is having a great influence on employees. Alberz also obtained the Vicorp certification, which is given to companies that value social values. What Albergs values along with the mission is an equal opportunity for growth. This means the promotion of internal employees. Instead of recruiting employees from the outside to fill their positions, Albers trusts the people inside. The average employee age is very low, at 29 years old, so they sometimes seek help from outside consultants for promotion.

Chime, a Silicon Valley fintech company, is investing in employee learning and development. Chime helps employees draw professional career paths before they go to work. Before hiring, ask the employee to plan for 30 to 60 days. Recognizing what personal responsibilities are, what is needed for success, and what are goals. The company explains that this process helps to engage employees actively in their work. In addition, Chime tries to share information as transparently as possible and listen to employees’ stories and respond, but these efforts are contributing greatly to lowering the turnover rate.

Pital, who took third place, puts transparency as the key to success. Employees always want to grow to the next level, so it’s important to make sure they have a system inside the company that will support their individual growth. Pital invites external lecturers to conduct workshops where you can acquire professional skills such as negotiations and presentations for employee growth. It also provides leadership training at all levels. Transparent evaluation also improves employee satisfaction, which Pital emphasizes. Tell your employees exactly when their performance will be assessed, what they need to do to get promoted, and when they will get a pay increase. We believe that when employees are given a sense of security and ownership, employees are motivated.

On the other hand, you can check the list of good American startups to work here .



Through the monthly AHC PC and HowPC magazine era, he has watched 'technology age' in online IT media such as ZDNet, electronic newspaper Internet manager, editor of Consumer Journal Ivers, TechHolic publisher, and editor of Venture Square. I am curious about this market that is still full of vitality.

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