
The attitude of Apple headquarters to cope with COVID-19

Tech companies like Twitter and Facebook have set up policies to allow many employees to work with remote work after the Corona 19 epidemic. However, on the contrary, Apple immediately demanded that employees go to work. What kind of infection measures are being taken against Corona 19 at Apple Park, Apple’s headquarters, where employees started working?

It was reported in early May that Apple plans to bring employees back to the office. The first step was that they would return to the office centering on employees who cannot work from home or who are having difficulty working from home.

He said he returned to Apple Park in May with several employees, including some hardware and software engineers. Employees who go to work at Apple Park said that they wiped the inside of their nose with a cotton swab-shaped device to perform a PCR test and measure their body temperature.

At Apple Park, the number of employees is increasing again, but some employees continue to go to work only a few days a week, while others do remote work. In addition, Apple is limiting the number of people who can fit in some office spaces. For example, it is said that up to 10 people can ride an elevator at the same time in normal times, but only two people can ride at the same time after the Corona 19 incident. The common room kitchen in Apple Park has been closed, and employees are required to wear masks.

In addition, there is a concern that people at Apple Park will become densely populated in an open space where employees can work freely. Apple says it will change the layout of the open space before bringing other employees to the office.

Not only some engineers but also some executives are working at Apple Park. For example, Dia O’Brien, head of retail and HR departments, is reportedly already attending Apple Park. In the United States, companies like Twitter and Facebook are expanding employee remote work. But the rest of the company, like Apple, are considering getting employees to work. As the COVID-19 vaccine does not yet exist, performing specific tests to determine how far the coronavirus has spread among employees is considered one of the important ways to control infection.

The biggest reason Apple asks employees to go to work is that it needs to keep confidential information related to iPhone development terminals and operating systems, the company’s most profitable business. Related information can be found here .



Through the monthly AHC PC and HowPC magazine era, he has watched 'technology age' in online IT media such as ZDNet, electronic newspaper Internet manager, editor of Consumer Journal Ivers, TechHolic publisher, and editor of Venture Square. I am curious about this market that is still full of vitality.

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