
Arctic summer without ice is nearing

The MOSAiC (Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate) project has sent the icebreaker Polarstern to the Arctic for observation while drifting with sea ice. A team of hundreds of scientists and sailors conducted observations at 88 degrees north latitude up to 230 km of the North Pole in August. In another year, it headed east from Greenland, but this year it went directly north.

In previous years, this route was covered with thick ice, so we had to avoid going by boat, but this year it was possible due to thawing. The MOSAiC participant says that even in summer, the area covered by sea ice in the Arctic Ocean was already halfway through the 1980s. The thickness of sea ice has also decreased, and 75% of the ice in the Arctic Ocean has been lost over the past 30 years.

Global warming is accelerating, but Arctic warming is progressing at more than twice the rate of other common regions. It is a warning that if warming proceeds as early as 2035, ice will disappear in the summer Arctic.

A scientist who sailed north on an icebreaker observes and studies not only the disappearance of the arctic sea ice, but also what major changes it will bring to the world’s climate, but sees the arctic sea, where heatwaves reach ridiculously dangerous levels during the hot weather. It is said that it becomes clear just by being done. Related information can be found here .



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