Qualcomm has announced the Snapdragon XR1 AR Smart Viewer, a new augmented reality headset for enterprise users. It is optimized for devices equipped with Snapdragon, a Qualcomm mobile chip, and it is assumed to be used by connecting directly to a smartphone or PC.
A micro OLED display is located in the lens part of this product. The camera is attached to the lens and the Qualcomm logo is painted on the wide frame. A USB Type-C terminal is mounted at the end of the left temple, allowing it to be connected to a smartphone.
When you put on the headset, a cursor appears and you can start the application by selecting the icon. The cursor can be manipulated with the movement function (See What I See) without using a hand. This can be done with a connected smartphone, and it also has a function that recognizes hand gestures through a headset camera. The Snapdragon XR1 AR Smart Viewer supports 6DoF, which can read the front-to-back, left-right, up-and-down movements, and can run multiple apps such as web browsers, YouTube, and Instagram at the same time. It is also possible to connect to a PC and work in Excel while opening PowerPoint.
Qualcomm emphasizes that this product can achieve a frame rate of up to 90Hz and experience smooth AR with motion blur-free features. This product reference design will be the first step in the roadmap for expanding the AR industry. Related information can be found here .
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